2018 Member’s Exhibition opens August 18 at 500X

The 500X Gallery will be starting its 40th year with the 2018-2019 Members Show! We are excited to showcase works by senior members Ashley Whitt, Tony Veronese, Valerie Powell, Ross Faircloth, James Talambas, Chris Ireland, Molly Dierks, Seth Lorenz, and Justin Strickland, as well as by new members Michelle Thomas Richardson, Joanne Cervantes, Scott Bell, Blake Weld, Grace Sydney Pham, and Becky Wilkes! Come have a drink and say hello!

Saturday, August 18th, marks the opening reception for the Members Show. All works will be on display during gallery hours until Sunday, September 2nd. Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 12-5PM.

The 500X Gallery, established in 1978, is the oldest artist-run co-op gallery in North Texas. 500X Gallery is for artists, by artists; we handle the week to week duties of operating a gallery, from curation, hanging work, PR, social media, sweeping the gallery space, bartending at receptions… etc. etc. etc.!

500x Gallery