Bob Burridge acrylic demo for Southwestern Watercolor Society Sept. 11

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 7:00 pm, LLUMC Asbury Hall, Dallas.
In addition to the SWS membership exhibit this month and reception, we also will be treated to a demonstration by Bob Burridge at the monthly meeting while he is here to judge the membership show and is teaching a three day workshop called “Abstract Acrylic Painting and Collage” (full). Burridge is a nationally known artist —  for more info see his website

SWS Membership meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month and run from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Dallas, TX (except June, July, August and December.) Membership meetings are attended by 100 to 150 artists and feature a guest lecture-demonstration. This is a good place to learn some new techniques and meet other artists and make friends for life. We are always looking for volunteers to help with running the society. Meetings are held at Lovers Lane Methodist Church is located at 9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas in Asbury Hall. There is plenty of free parking. The board of directors meets on the last Wednesday of each month.

On Friday, September 14, his wife, Kate Burridge, will be teaching a one day workshop called “Hot mARTketing Workshop. Space is still available Teta Smith Studio inside The shops at Willow Bend Mall, Plano, Texas.
After September, we have lots of plans for the rest of the year including the upcoming October paint
out, and more great workshops and programs.