E. Melinda Morrisoin oil demo for Richardson Civic Art Society Sept. 18



Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month – from September to May – in the Richardson Public Library basement meeting room. The meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.

The business meeting is followed by a demo artist in any of several media including watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, and mixed media.

We also have Painting-of-the-Month available to members, which is voted on by peers at a break in the meeting. Cash awards are given out to winners. Show and Share, also at this time, is a display of any 3-d work by members.

Come early and participate in our Critique Corner at 6:00. Visitors are always encouraged to join us.

For information on membership, see http://www.richardson-arts.org/about.html

Our next meeting is September 18 at 6:30pm.

The demo Artist for September will be E. Melinda Morrisoin, demonstrating oils.

image:  Study of Carleigh by E. Melinda Morrison  

As a young woman, her B.A. in fine arts from the University of Texas at Tyler took a backseat to the corporate world for many years: advertising exec; graphic designer and art director of her own company; and later corporate and executive recruiter.

Not surprisingly, she was recognized in national competitions for her print design and annual reports, but shortly after her move to Denver in 1994, the satisfied extrovert began to hear from the starving artist. She says she “felt like her soul was drying up”. An oil-painting class at the Art Students’ League of Denver rained water on that desert ground.


Over the next five years, Melinda studied painting at the League under the guidance of master painters like, Quang Ho, Kim English, Kevin Weckbach, and Ron Hicks. As her passion and skill grew, so did her dream to paint full-time. She made the leap in 2003 and brought years of corporate skills into the new and intricate dance of a full-time professional art career. She hasn’t looked back. Read more about Melinda at her web site: melindamorisoin.com

UPCOMING 2018/2019
E. Melinda Morrison – Oils
Michael Archer – W/C
Justin Burns – Acrylic Transparent Layers
Benjamin Vincent-Caricatures
Janis Krendick – Pastels
Maribeth Jagger – Alcohol Ink
Jo Moncrief – Acrylic
Walt Davis – W/C
Ron Stephens – Acrylic/Mixed