Movie Night at the Creative Arts Center – Alfred Hitchcock’s VERTIGO
Friday, August 2 at 7 PM, the Creative Arts Center presents “Movie Night” and will be showing the Alfred Hitchcock Classic Vertigo, starring Kim Novak and James Stewart. Eventually considered to be one of Hitchcock’s finest films, the 1958 thriller contains many twists and turns. Stewart plays an ex-police officer who, after an accident, is stricken with a fear of heights. He is called upon to watch the wife of an old college friend who believes his wife has been possessed by a spirit. Naturally, tragedy strikes but there’s no rest for the viewer until the end of the film – all is not as it seems. Everyone is invited to attend – BYOB and all tickets are $5. The film is rated PG and is about two hours long. Free popcorn will be provided and there will be a concession stand – proceeds benefit the Creative Arts Center after-school programs. For more information, contact the Creative Arts Center at 903-640-2196.
Fancy Flea Fridays – Jewelry Sale during August
Three years ago, the Creative Arts Center held their first Fancy Flea (market) Jewelry sale. After soliciting donations from the community of gently used jewelry items, the first sale was a great success. “We had some beautiful jewelry – Native American pieces and other rings, earrings, necklaces made of sterling. There were also some gold pieces and quality costume pieces,” says Executive Director Lisa Avila of the first sale. “Most necklaces are only $4 this time and the prices go down for bracelets and earrings. Some of the sterling and name-brand pieces are priced separately but all the jewelry is in great condition and since we have more, we decided to offer the sale each Friday in August.” For the entire month of August, each Friday during arts center business hours (10 to 5), the Fancy Flea will be “open” with bargains galore. Anyone interested in donating jewelry may visit the center and speak with Lisa. Donations are tax deductible as the law allows – the Creative Arts Center is a project of the Fannin Community Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity. “Come shop for yourself or find some early Christmas presents,” Ms. Avila advised. “While you’re here, you might find a gift in our gift shop or in the gallery since our exhibit in August is focused on affordable art.” The Creative Arts Center is located at 200 W. 5th Street in Bonham, one block off the square. FOr more information, call them at 903-640-2196.
Affordable Art – the $100 Exhibit August 2-August 31, 2019
Many people believe that original art is expensive and it certainly can be. But the number of artists who produce affordable art in the Bonham area is growing. With price in mind, Dean Todd, an artist member of the Creative Arts Center, suggested hosting a $100 show – with no art priced over $100. This seemed a great way to make affordable art available. Entries into the show are open through Wednesday, July 31 – five pieces may be submitted and anyone in the community may enter for a $25 per person fee. Youth may enter at no charge. “When Dean suggested the $100 idea, I was thrilled because I believed many of our artists would participate,” said Executive Director Lisa Avila. “And a $100 limit makes each work more affordable.” The exhibit begins Friday, August 2 and runs through August 31. A wide variety of subjects and themes appear in the paintings and other pieces and the prices go as low as $20. There are paintings, photographs, glass, and much more. Admission to the center is free and the hours of operation are Tuesday-Friday, 10 to 5 and Saturday from 9 to 1. The gallery also has a gift shop with many affordable items that are both practical and artful.

The Creative Arts Center is located at 200 W. 5th Street in Bonham – one block west of the square. For more information, go to www.creativeartscenterbonham.com, check out their Facebook page or call 903-640-2196.