3-Day Portrait Painting Workshop —
Mastering Color in Portraiture
Please let us know right away if you are interested in taking this workshop. Space is limited!
Seems the most common challenge for aspiring (and sometimes accomplished) portrait painters is the mystery and mastery of color… especially when it comes to skin tones. In this workshop, we will not only study the theory of color but some very direct hands-on mixing techniques. The subtle blends of warm and cool temperatures can bring magic to a face because flesh color is not the color of flesh, it is the color of light reflecting on a face…a very different idea.
We will be painting three different models, each with distinctly different skin tones. These exercises should be fun for both accomplished painters and those early in the struggle with color.
Daily sessions will be from 9:00 til 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00.
A basic materials list will be provided once you sign up. Also, you will be provided with a full agenda outline. Easels, and side tables will be provided.
Space is limited to 5 artists, so sign up early. And, call with any questions you might have. 214-403-9171
Workshop will be held at Rail Station Studios in Historic Downtown Plano. 1013 15th Place #101 Plano 75074 (Near the DART Rail Station)
Gene Dillard gene@legacyportraitpainters.com
Cost for workshop is $350. A $100 deposit is required to hold your place in the workshop. A $50 discount will be awarded members of Plano Art Association. Payments can be made online at www.legacyportraitpainters.com (WORKSHOPS)