Making a Basket with Leticia Garcia
Wed. in Aug 5th & 19th : 7pm to 9pm. BILINGUAL!
Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr. Irving TX 75061
Sponsored by the Irving Art Association
Trabajaremos en una manualidad y crearemos una canasta hermosa.
Seguiremos las normas de cuidado de Covid 19 y distanciamiento social. Máscara facial se requiere.
We will work on a craft and we will create a beautiful basket.
We will follow Covid19 safety procedures and social distancing. A face mask is required. The image is for illustration purpose only!
Instruction gratis. $20.00 Costo de materiales. Pagos por PayPal. Si todabia no ha pagado por PayPal, pague en la primer clase.
FREE instruction. $20 materials fee. Pay through PayPal. If you haven’t paid through PayPal, pay at the first class.
Registration required. REGISTER / REGISTRO
Instructor: Leticia Garcia (Ph: 469-432-5990)
[email protected]