Artist John Bramblitt Presentation and Demonstration via Zoom Sept. 2 at the Visual Arts Society of Texas

Please join VAST via Zoom for a presentation and demonstration by local artist John Bramblitt on September 2nd at 7 pm. John will discuss and demonstrate how he takes a multi-discipline approach to art. He will also discuss how to diversify the business side of art during the times of Covid-19.
After losing his sight in 2001, John decided to pick up a paint brush. He never expected anyone to see any of his paintings; he just knew he needed to reconnect with the visual world he had lost.
Since then his work has been featured in the New York Times, Discovery Channel, most major news outlets and much more. He has worked with celebrities such as Tony Hawk, Jeff Bridges, Lyle Lovett, and many more.


He has received three presidential service awards for his innovative multi-sensory art workshops. Recently, John painted a Boeing 737 for Delta to promote the Rock-in-Rio concert, the largest concert in the world.
Not only is he ranked as the #1 blind painter in the world, he is now the only blind muralist having completed projects in New York, Dallas and Fort Worth. He recently was named a cultural ambassador for the US.
John has shared his story with audiences for the past ten years, energizing organizations and motivating people to exceed their limits. His unique journey from the dark has enabled him to connect with a visual world and act as a beacon for others experiencing struggles. John’s motivational talks and art celebrate diversity and promote overcoming obstacles.


To find out more about John, see his website:

The presentation is free for VAST members and $5 for non-members. Zoom information will be posted on VAST’s Facebook site and website

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