Susan Cheal – VAST Guest Artist Presentation Oct. 7

The speaker for the VAST October 7th meeting is Susan Cheal, Professor Emerita, Drawing and Painting Department, College of Visual Arts and Design, at the University of North Texas.
She has exhibited her work internationally and nationally.


Her work is included in The National Museum of Women, the Utah Museum of Art, the University of Texas at San Antonio, and numerous private collections.

She is the recipient of many awards, including a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, a NEA multi media grant, a City of Los Angeles public art grant and Utah, Texas and California Individual Artists Grants, juried and invitational solo and group exhibitions.
She will be speaking on “The Art Critique: History and Types.” Susan meets monthly with VAST Critique members from September through May.
At the end of her presentation she will demonstrate one type of a group critique using a VAST members’ art work.


Zoom Info.:
Gathering will start at 6:30 pm, Presentation will begin at 6:45 pm
See VAST’s Facebook:, OR website for the Zoom meeting link:

For more about VAST see