Texas Women for the Arts 2021 Grant Application

Texas Women for the Arts 2021 Grant Application
Applications open October 1, 2020 and must be RECEIVED by 5:00 pm CST on December 1, 2020


Texas Women for the Arts (TWA), a program of the Texas Cultural Trust, is a statewide giving circle whose mission is to awaken and nurture the artist in every Texas child. Established in 2005, TWA unites the financial forces of Texas women in funding arts education programs throughout the state. Members will choose the recipients and allocate the funds at their annual meeting in the spring. We invite you to submit grant proposals through the Texas Cultural Trust website (here: https://txculturaltrust.org/what-we-do/texas-women-for-the-arts/grants/).
  1. Applicants must be sponsored by current member of Texas Women for the Arts. Proposals must include the sponsor’s name and email. The Texas Cultural Trust does not assign sponsors to applications.*
  2. Proposals must be submitted through the Texas Cultural Trust website: https://txculturaltrust.org/twa/grants/
  3. Organizations are eligible for funding for no more than two (2) consecutive years. Applicants may reapply after a period of one (1) year.
  4. The program must reflect the mission of Texas Women for the Arts, as stated above.
  5. The Trust does not consider applications from individuals, businesses, or organizations that do not have 501 (c)(3) status with the following exceptions: religious organizations and city/county/state historical agencies.
  6. Finalists will be notified the week of March 8, 2021 and asked to submit an electronic presentation (power point/video/ digital report, etc.) by March 22, 2021, for distribution to the full membership for final voting. Videos may be no longer than 4 minutes in length; and power point presentations must be limited to 30 slides.
  7. Top grantees maybe invited to attend and accept their awards during the Texas Women for the Arts’ 2021 Annual Meeting, May 17-18, in Dallas. All grant awards will be announced at the meeting.
  8. The interim or final reports for 2020 TWA grant awards must be submitted prior to the 2021 application.
  9. Texas Women for the Arts funding awarded in 2021 must be spent between June 1, 2021 – May 31, 2022.
* Please note that the Texas Cultural Trust is not responsible for connecting organizations with a sponsor.