Southwest Contemporary art magazine call for artists

Southwest Contemporary, an arts magazine that covers the American Southwest and Texas. We are based in Santa Fe, NM, your friendly neighbor, and are committed to supporting contemporary art in the region, so please check out our digital and print offerings! We have an open call for entry for our next issue, themed “Flights of Fancy.” Artists working in all mediums are welcome to apply and the deadline is March 3. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Three selected artists will receive a feature profile article written by an SWC contributor accompanied by multiple images. Twelve or more additional artists will receive a two-page spread including one image and up to 300 words of text.

All selected artists will receive a feature on SWC’s newsletter and social media channels and receive a complimentary print copy.


Artists (18+) living and working in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah are welcome to apply with works in any medium: painting, sculpture, new media, performance, printmaking, fiber arts, photography, mixed media, music, video, installation, and more.


Three to five artwork images, artist statement, and bio must be uploaded directly to the submission form.

  • Artists may submit three to five image, video, or audio files (no larger than 10 mb each) for consideration.
  • Artists must ensure high quality of images (we recommend 300 dpi JPGs), but they do not need to be press quality. High-res images will be requested once selections are made.
  • If video files are larger than 10 mb, please submit a smaller clip and provide a web link to the full file in your statement.
  • Artwork does not have to be for sale, but we recommend submitting work recent within the last five years.
  • Bio and statement must be no more than 300 words or 2500 characters each.

There is a $15 submission fee that goes towards supporting our contributing writers, editors, and staff (submission fees are non-refundable). If you are unable to pay at this time, we understand and urge you to submit your work for editorial consideration on our website instead. You may always submit your work for editorial consideration to our website for free. Please send three to five artwork files, your artist statement, bio, website, and any other relevant links to [email protected].