SWA 2021 International Competition call for entries

Society of Watercolor Artists – 2021 International Juried Exhibition

This is the 40th Anniversary of the Society of Watercolor Artists.
Our annual International Juried Exhibition is the largest event we hold each year. This year the exhibit will be virtual only.
This year all submissions must be made through CallforEntry.org (CaFÉ): https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=8581

The exhibition is open to all artists 18 and older, working in water-based media.
AWARDS:   $5000 in cash and merchandise to be determined by the juror after viewing the final posted works.
EXHIBITION CHAIR:  Charlie Nieman E-Mail:  [email protected]

Work must be water-media on watercolor paper or Yupo.  Water-media includes traditional watercolors, acrylics, inks or gouache.  Inks cannot cover more than 10% of the surface.  No works on canvas or other materials other than specified.
The following restrictions are applicable to all submissions. Violations will result in disqualification:
·         Collage
·         Nudes
·         Work done during a workshop or in a class that is not original subject matter of artist
·         Copies or likenesses of another artist’s artwork
·         Digital reproductions or use of web/online photographs
·         Digital/printer reproductions printed onto surface of artwork
·         Artwork must have been completed in the last 3 years (after March 2018) and cannot have been shown previously in any SWA juried art exhibitions. SWA reserves the right to refuse entries that are obscene, controversial or in bad taste.

Entry fee is $35 for SWA Members, and $45 for non-members.
Artists may submit up to 3 paintings. No more than one painting, chosen by juror will be exhibited.
For more about SWA and membership, see http://www.swawatercolor.com/

Entry Deadline:  Saturday, March 27, 2020  11:59 pm MST (Please note the closing time for entries in Mountain Standard Time, Not Central Standard Time)
Notification of Acceptance:  Friday, April 16th (via e-mail)
Exhibition to be posted online:  End of Day Saturday, April 17th
Announcement of Juror’s Awards: Sunday, May 2nd
Exhibition runs from April 18 through May 30, 2021