Lake Granbury Art Association Nov. 8th Meeting & Demo Artist Shane Boiles

LGAA General Meetings take place the second Monday of each month at 7pm at Shanley House Gallery in Granbury. Our Demo artist for November is Shane Boiles. He will be presenting a demo titled “Modern Drawing/ Dark and Light”.

Shane is a Granbury resident. He lives here with his wife and young son, who are both from the Philippines. He has been a practicing artist for several years and his artistic focus has been in modern art and life drawing. He has had work at the Dallas Museum of Art. He will be doing a drawing demo that promises to inspire regardless of your personal medium of choice.

November 3rd Saturday Workshop: TBD

Artist of the Month
Artists signed up to bring artwork to banks:
Jackye Van Court
Nell Bednarz
Deanna Thibault
Wayne Falcone
Lynda Robinson
Please bring your artwork to the meeting (if possible) so that members may view your beautiful pieces.

New Board for 2022
We will be voting for new 2022 Board Members at the beginning of the meeting.

Current Gallery Show
You will NOT want to miss seeing  the new Group Show, “Art is Our Muse”, featuring the art of: Colleen Erickson , Judy Mason, James Stewart, Barbara Doberanz, Kathy Yoders, Pam Tullos, and Mary Ann White. This exhibit will show through the Holiday Season.