Spiritual Artist Workshops in January from Christopher J. Miller

Guess what? I’m going to teach my second online creativity workshop in January. It’s based on my book, “The Spiritual Artist”. 

I know. I know. We’re about to go into the holidays and the last thing you want to do is commit to anything. But the new year is a perfect time to focus on yourself! 

My workshop doesn’t begin until January 13 and runs for three consecutive Thursday nights from 7 – 8:30 p.m. Central time. Log in from the comfort of your own home, explore your creativity and meet other artists.

I’m not going to teach you how to hold a brush, or throw clay, or cut glass, but I am going to show you how to be more consciously connected to your work. Who knows? We may even do a short meditation or visioning exercise. The class is $75 and the only supplies you’ll need is your unique Creative DNA and my $15 book. 

“As an artist, knowing why you paint and how you paint is very important. It’s not about the technique of painting, it’s about your attitude and relationship with artwork. Finding out how other artists approach their artwork, why and how they do it. It teaches us to actually play like a child the enthusiasm and the positivity that you have when you’re a child,” said one student.

The workshop is open to anyone from any creative discipline and offered through the Creative Arts Center of Dallas and you can register here. Scroll down to see my course.

Treat yourself this holiday season and start the new year off creatively!


Christopher J. Miller

P.S. You can always order the book as a holiday gift by going to Amazon.com and searching for “The Spiritual Artist” by Christopher J. Miller. It’s right next to “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron.