Holly Olver Hertig has been drawing since she has been holding a pencil in her hand. She always loved drawing animals, mainly cats. She earned her undergrad degree in Elementary Ed to fund her art habit and continues her studies under different professional artists. After college she was a full time innercity elementary School teacher. She married Jeff Hertig and had Ashley, Kasey and Tory Hertig. Holly spends left-over time to polish her teaching and talent. She loves sharing tips and ideas with her students and learns from her students as well as her artist-mentors. While in California, she taught at Palomar College and Poway Adult School and their youth education program. She earned her Grumbacher Teacher Certificate and taught Drawing and Acrylic at Michael’s. She craves strong colors and have received several awards for her work. She teaches programs with adult and youth education. Holly Olver Hertig has renewed her California Clear Teaching Certificate and have Texas Teaching Certifications as well. She will teach full time. Holly Hertig has expanded her online teaching career due to the pandemic while she resides in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Her New Venue is Irving Arts Association on 1975 Puritan Drive Irving, Texas 75061. She plans to hold workshops and classes, teach, tutor and coach.
Hyperpalette.pro/iaa. email Holly@hyperpalette.pro. 858-603-5870
Holly Hertig: Tuesday evenings May 17 & 31 6 – 8 pm “Acrylic Explorations”
Holly Hertig: Saturdays 10 am -1 pm June 11, 18, 25 “Amazing Acrylics”
Holly Hertig: June 14, 15,16 Tuesday – Thursday 6-8 pm “Oil Paint Like the Masters”

Amazing Acrylics !
(like a painting event)
Holly is a Grumbacher certified Art Teacher
Holly applies acrylic in a whole different manner.
She chooses the colors of the picture before putting them on the canvas. there is a method and an order of application. usually starting with backgrounds and working forward to the subject. Many color theories are discussed that are brought to the class through the picture. She has it down like a science. Each acrylic night is a workshop of its own. The price is for two or three hours.
Supplies included. More bang for your buck and you bring home a better product than painting while drinking..
Children under 10 must be accompanied by a paying adult.
Oil Paint Like The Masters!
Holly Hertig learned from the professionals who knew how to apply oils. She will coach you on how to express yourself in oil. She starts you with the process of an underpainting and why it is the most successful way to begin a masterpiece. Then she educates you on the difference between stain and paint. She also trains you to see the difference between cool colors and warm colors and use them to your advantage when expressing yourself.
Supplies are included such as a canvas, brushes to borrow and she dispenses the paints like a bartender to save you money. You will also learn to clean your brushes the correct way!
Bring a 8×11″ landscape or flower photo that makes you happy!
Holly Hertig knows the price of oils. Many people do not want to make the investment of buying oils without knowing they are going to like them or not. Therefore Holly Hertig worked out a plan where you take a class with most minimal fees to cover expenses. You can take a class and have a canvas, loaner brushes and oils/medium supplied for you. Holly distributes paints like a bartender.
You can walk in with a photo or picture that you want to paint and Holly will coach you through the process of oils. Come Join us on a 3 day seminar.