A WORLD OF PAPER: The Lyle Novinski Print Collection
Join us for the exhibition’s Closing Reception on SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 4:30 – 6:30
(IRVING, Texas) — The Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery at The University of Dallas invites the public to join Professor Emeritus, Lyle Novinski at the closing reception of the exhibition A WORLD OF PAPER: The Lyle Novinski Print Collection on Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. University of Dallas Alumnus, Tom Motley will join Novinski for remarks and a gallery talk at 5:00 p.m.
On view to the public for the first time, this exhibition features nearly 150 prints from Novinski’s private print collection. The prints, which span over 400 years of printmaking history, were acquired by Novinski during his extensive travels.
Collected primarily for instructional purposes in Art and Architecture courses, Novinski’s collection began by happenstance when he and a colleague discovered a set of 22 prints by Rembrandt tucked away in a poster shop in Florence, Italy. Recognizing the value of allowing students to see the works of art they studied in class up close and in person, Novinski continued to collect prints and expand his collection over the next seven decades.
The selected prints represent a wide range of techniques and styles. From Japanese woodblock prints acquired in Tokyo while awaiting deployment for a tour of duty in the Korean War to prints purchased from pushcart vendors in Italy to gifts from students, friends, and colleagues, Novinski’s collection affords viewers the opportunity to travel the world and experience the history of printmaking. From the religious to secular, representational to abstract, historical to contemporary, this collection celebrates not only the fine art of printmaking but also Novinski’s dedication to art and teaching.
Lyle Novinski is Professor Emeritus of Art and former Chair of the Art Department at the University of Dallas. He is an established painter and designer. He holds MA and MFA degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with further study in Philosophy and Theology at Marquette University. Professor Novinski’s interests as a working artist embrace a wide range of topics, including painting as a discipline, design, and execution of liturgical spaces, and the history of sacred art. His many exhibits over the years have brought note to his work with over 60 installations in churches including the windows of St. Rita’s in Dallas, furnishings for the Neuhoff Chapel at SMU, as well as a life-sized mosaic in a chapel in Rome.
Visit www.udallas.edu/gallery for more information.