Essence: The Spirit and Impact of the World Around Us

Join us for the artist reception of Joan Ellet Hogge and Karen Newman White on October 1st from 6-9 pm

For Joan, art has been a lifelong companion! As a child, she sketched landscapes in Kansas. Later she moved to Texas where she began capturing nature with watercolor. She wrote and published a children’s book, The Butterfly’s Gift. Her beautiful paintings of nature express her love and
appreciation of God’s handiwork.

Karen began studying art late in life with printmaking and watercolors as the mediums of choice. Her works changed when she realized rules can be broken. “What If” is on Karen’s mind as she develops a piece of art. “What If” an etching is added to a watercolor or “What If” a relief print or a drawing is laid on a monoprint or collagraph? Karen finds a lot of joy in “What If.”

The show will be on display from October 1st through October 26th at the Martin Place in McKinney during business hours.