September 1 – 27, 2019
Location: Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, Irving TX 75062
Sponsored by the Irving Art Association
Formerly a national show, the show is open to area artists, with no shipping. Online entries (NO IMAGES REQUIRED) are due Thursday, August 29, by midnight with drop-off on Saturday, August 31 10am-2pm. Up to three entries per artist — All entries meeting requirements will be accepted.
Pay by PayPal or choose check option
$45 non-members
$25 IAA members
Not a member?
Join IAA at https://irvingartassociation.org/membership
Any animal species is acceptable as subject matter for works, both wildlife and domestic, including pets. Again this year, we are including creatures from fantasy (you can make up your own creature or creatures), mythology and Cryptozoology. For our challenge category this year, we invite you to depict one of the most durable animals found in Texas, the “ARMADILLO”.
Artwork must be an original rendering from personal photographs or observation or your own imagination*. Concept, design and execution should be solely that of the artist. Derivative work from copyrighted or published materials of which the artist is not the sole creator is not permitted, and if discovered, will be disqualified from the competition. Digital art must be created from original photographic elements and/or original digital elements created by the artist. No purchased digital scrapbook or other purchased or public domain elements may be used, and if discovered, the piece will be disqualified from the competition.
*Preconceived creatures from Fantasy, Mythology, and Cryptozoology are exceptions, but the rendering and concept still must be original to the artist.
Submitted works must have been completed within the previous 2 years (completed after 01 September 2017), and not accepted for a previous IAA Art Exhibit. Limit of two entries, plus one challenge piece entry (total of three entries if challenge is met -all three pieces are allowed to meet the challenge). Artwork must not exceed 36″ X 36″ outer dimension (excluding frame if applicable), and cannot weigh more than 20 lbs. Multi-panel art (Diptych, Triptych, etc.) is acceptable as a single piece if the total size cumulatively when hung does not exceed the 36″ X 36″ restriction and each piece does not exceed the 20 lb. weight limitation. Any art submitted exceeding these limitations will be rejected with no refund of entry fee. All art must have artist’s information on back including name, contact information, and date of completion. Art must be wired and ready to hang; NO CLEATS. NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS.
Accepted Media: Oil, Water Media, Mixed Media, Dry Media, Photography, and Digital Art.
Hand delivery of artwork is on Saturday, 31 August 2019, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. At close of show artwork must be picked up on 28 September 2019, between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. All award recipient’s artwork will be eligible to travel to the Irving Arts Center to exhibit from 05 October 2019 through 12 January 2020.
For complete entry rules see the
2019 IAA Animal Awards Competition Prospectus:2019_IAA_ANIMAL_AWARDS_COMPETITION Download
On exhibit September 1 – September 27, 2019
Saturday, August 31 10am – 2pm – Deliver artwork
Sunday, September 8 – Reception & Awards: 2-4pm
Saturday, September 28 – Strike Date 10am – 2pm
October 5 – Jan. 12, 2020 – IAA 2019 Animal Art Traveling Exhibit at the Irving Art Center’s Dupree Lobby, 3333 N. MacArthur Blvd., Irving TX 75062 (optional)