Time: Saturday June, 4, 2022 -1:30–3:30pm
Location: Irving Art Association
Jaycee Center for the Arts
1975 Puritan Drive
Irving, TX 75060
Limit – 10
RSVP by June1.2022 to junannepeck@mac.com
Minimum of 3 for class to make
Instructor Fee -0
Supply Fee $25.00
Pay exact amount by check or cash at the workshop/no credit cards
Zine is short for Magazine
We will be making Zines that are dedicated to artwork, poetry, cartoons, editorials and short stories. We will have several sizes and templates to work from. After we complete a few we can enjoy our little gallery of zines.
Because zines do not have any sort of corporate backing, they are very rugged, individualized, they are much more charismatic than larger, more popular magazines whose content is often dictated by their advertisers.
Bring an apron, paper towels, unscented baby wipes, and your design ideas — artwork, drawings, photos, poetry, cartoons, sayings etc. that you want to include.
Junanne has also requested that all participants be vaccinated in order to register.
Junanne Peck is an interdisciplinary artist, with printmaking as her primary art form. Peck is a Demo Artist for Akua Ink. She is a seasoned educator and Teaching Artist in the DFW area. Junanne is a TXO Artist (Texas Original Artist) selected by the Texas Commission on the Arts. Her works are featured in solo and invitational exhibits. Visit Junanne at: http://junannepeck.com