Sponsored by The Visual Art league of Lewisville. Mari-Ann Keyser of
South Africa, but a Texan since 1995. Mari- Ann has taught many classes
in Pan Pastel and enjoys teaching immensely. She will be teaching 2 days
from 9-4 pm Oct 4th and 5th with the focus on Pan Pastels the first day
and all things pastel on the 2nd day. She will provide all supplies, but
students may also bring their own if they have them. The cost of the
workshop is 150.00 for members for the 2 days and 185.00 for non-members
with the option then to join at that price for 1 year and enjoy all the
benefits, including many shows and member meetings, The Christmas party
and all other opportunities for free workshops . Registration is open on
the Visual Art League website at
https://visualartleague.org/workshops-with-visiting-a. For any
questions contact Jackie Haugen, visiting artist workshop chair at
waterjourney@verizon.net or 972-672-0188.
Announcing upcoming Pan Pastel Workshop in the Fall at The Grand in Lewisville